The First “Be A Sport”

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It doesn't take a lot to give a little

Playing sports is one of the best pastimes for children, it’s undeniably fun, but it also cultivates a physical lifestyle that lasts a lifetime. This Goodwill Project is dedicated to that lifestyle. Every kid will find a way to play, regardless of supplies. However, we at Little Goodwill are committed to giving children the best opportunity to enjoy their playtime. That’s what the Be A Sport Project is dedicated to.
The very first execution of this project was at the Bapuji Children’s Home, a place that takes care of both orphans and abandoned children. Sponsor Basavaraj Shetty helped our Ambassadors to purchase a variety of sports equipment for the children’s home. The equipment included badminton rackets and shuttlecocks, along with a full badminton net to set up and play in the courtyard. We also gathered and donated jump-ropes, a handball, and tennikoit rings.

The children’s home had a system for donations. They kept a log of both donors and what they gave to the orphanage. I gave thanks that enough people were giving support to warrant a system like this. Seeing the staff around the establishment also prompted a deep feeling of something in between gratitude and thankfulness. I thanked God that there were the kind of people in the world who cared. No one deserves what these children have gone through, but at least there are people to help guide them through life here. Everyone at the Bapuji Children’s Home is making a huge difference, they give so much. Not everyone can be like that, which makes who they are even more impressive. In front of them I feel both awe, and gratitude. I am grateful that even though I can’t impact lives like they can, I can still give a little. 

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